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Free Downloads Support

We offer limited technical support for the FREE indicators, cBots and trading software that we offer on our web store.


Found a Bug?

If you find a bug with any of our free products on the web store then we would like to hear about it.

We reserve the right to remove features if a bug is found or remove the product from our web store.


Suggestions for Improvement

If you have some ideas on how to improve the free tool we offer please tell us about it.


Why No Source Code?

We own the Intellectual Copyright (IP) of all the products available for download at our web store and you will find that your downloaded indicator or cBot will not contain any source code, this is to stop people from taking our hard work and selling or offering them on another website.

The warnings are the result of the cTrader API being updated, but the older code will still work due to backward compatibility. 


Build Warnings

There may be some warnings in the log when you build an indicator or cBot that includes the source code, this does not affect how it works and the warnings can be ignored. 


ClickAlgo does not accept any responsibility to update the code to remove the warnings, it should be easy to update the api in the code by a developer.