All the custom automated trading systems (cBots) and indicators have an option in the code to set the security level or access rights when running within the cTrader platform on a users machine, in order to protect users against any malware the code is run in a sandbox environment. The cBots and indicators have access right declarations in the robot or indicator attribute as shown below.
[Robot(AccessRights = AccessRights.Internet)]
public class SampleSARTrailingStop : Robot
[Indicator(AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class SampleEMA : Indicator
Access Right Options
It is possible to also combine access rights to have 1 or more of the following, having no access rights at all will limit the functionality of a cBot or indicator.
[Indicator(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.Internet | AccessRights.Registry)]
public class SampleSARTrailingStop : Robot {
// Class code
The cBot or indicator has no access rights and will not be able to interact with the user's machine for saving files, connecting to the internet or anything else.
This provides access to the user's machine to read and write files, like text, JSON, XML etc.
This provides access to the internet to retrieve external data like price quotes or other data feeds.
This provides access to the windows registry which is sometimes used to read and write application information.
This provides unlimited access to provide a rich user interface, retrieve external data feeds, save important trade information and any other benefit for the user.
Default Behaviour
If cBot or Custom Indicator doesn’t specify the desired access rights, AccessRights.FullAccess is considered to be chosen.
ClickAlgo cBots & Indicators
All of the paid products available on our web store use a licensing system and offer a rich user experience and for this reason, our products require Full-Access.
Full Access Considerations
If you plan to distribute your files with full access to customers then it would be wise to offer the customer some kind of confidence that the company or person providing the file is transparent and recognised in the industry, our company reputation and transparency allows us to provide a rich functionality to our products by using Full Access rights.