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Automated Telegram Chart Signals Introduction

cTrader Chart Signal Provers


Welcome to the cTrader Polynomial Regression Channel Signal product support page, if you are unfamiliar with this product please visit the main product page


Getting Started

Once you have downloaded and unzipped the file you just need to install it into cTrader and if you are unfamiliar with how to do this just follow the link below. This is a cBot file and not an indicator, so look for it where all the cBots live.

How to Install & Find cBots & Indicators


Limitations Using a VPS

If you plan to use a Virtual Private Server (VPS) to send picture messages to a telegram message, you will need to stay logged into your remote desktop connection from your PC, it is recommended that you run the cBot from your PC instead.


Additional Programs to Install

We also provide a free tool to make sure your email, telegram and SMS settings are correct so that you can send instant messages for trade signals.