Trading Tools
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    Meet the Team

    Further information about the products & services we offer can be found on our About Us page.

    We are not a traditional company with employees, instead, we use freelancers from around the world. 



    • Paul Hayes

      Paul Hayes

      Sales & Marketing (UK)

      Paul has an (MSc) in computer science and has been working in the software industry as a consultant for over 15 years for many blue-chip companies, he also has a strong sales background with over 9 years of experience using cTrader.
    • Grant Willavise

      Panagiotis Charalampous

      Head of Development - Aieden Tech

      Panagiotis is the founder of Aieden Technologies and has a (PhD) in Computational Acoustics and 15+ years of experience working with software companies including 10+ years creating trading algorithms for cTrader & delivering financial technology solutions.
    • Patrick Leonard

      Patrick Leonard

      Consultant (Hong Kong)

      Patrick is currently on a career break and we are lucky to have him on board as a consultant to help steer our ship in the right direction. He has extensive knowledge of both technology and financial services while working for major corporations in Hong Kong.
    •  Sophia Williams

      Sophia Williams

      Customer Support (Cyprus)

      Sophia handles customers' general queries and complaints about all of our trading products, she will be your point of contact should you need help with any of the trading tools that we offer. She also has a good technical understanding of automated trading systems.
    • Mike Jones

      Mike Jones

      Product Support (UK)

      Mike's role is as a product support engineer who answers most of the technical questions on the Forum powered by ClickAlgo, Mike has extensive knowledge using both Microsoft C# and the cTrader trading platform.