cTrader fundamental indicators evaluate the intrinsic value of an asset, such as a stock, currency, or commodity, by analyzing economic, financial, or qualitative factors. There are also various utility tools like market trading clocks.
Why suffer from big losses? The cTrader Forex News Release Manager provides signals to pause your robots (x) minutes before, during and after a major news release. This cBot will also send an email, Telegram or popup message before a major event so you can close any exposed positions. Instructions below on how to read the news signals in your trading robot to manage the trades.
The cTrader Forex News Manager Professional is the only tool you need to manage high-impact news events to protect your money and control your automated trading systems while you sleep. This is a feature-rich application that will send you a popup, email, Telegram & SMS alerts. before the news event happens as well as automatically close all open positions that relate to the upcoming news event.
This version of the cTrader Forex Market hours clock will show the Sydney, Toyko, New York and London trading times displayed as an indicator on your chart. The Forex market is open 24 hours 5 days a week through different timezones and exchanges. Source code included.
The cTrader Economic News Chart Events indicator was built by Spotware, the creators of the cTrader platform to show the upcoming news events directly on the chart as a vertical line. This will help the trader see if there is a high-impact news event about to happen.
The cTrader market trading clock displays the global trading hours (trading sessions) for each of the 7 major stock exchanges in the world used by cTrader, configurable to show or hide, markets that are currently open, the opening and closing times, alarm bell when market opens and a countdown timer when market is about to open.
The cTrader Floating Market Trading Clock Widgets comprises of 19 different time zones that can be positioned anywhere on or off the charts that will allow you to choose the timezone that suits your trading hours, each clock has a signal when the trading market is open. It includes your local & server time so you can trade when candles close without having to look at the bottom of the chart at the small platform time.
This Forex News Calendar Module is used to manage your automated trading system by integrating a C# class into your existing trading cBot to prevent financial losses during high-impact news events. It requires the cTrader Forex News Manager cBot to work.