cTrader volatility indicators help traders understand how much and how quickly an asset's price is moving. Tools like Bollinger Bands and Average True Range (ATR) show when the market is calm or chaotic, making it easier to adjust strategies and manage risk effectively.
The Bollinger-Bands indicator was created after 3 years of observations and testing about Bollinger-Bands behaviour and price action. It was created to solve one of the biggest problems of trading which are when the trend is in a range and price is in a consolidating state. Also, included are Telegram & Email Alerts, so you never miss a signal.
The ClickAlgo Volatility Assistant Terminal will manage your open positions when an event in the markets causes the price of a symbol to move so fast that any open positions are at risk. It calculates the direction of the surge in price and either rides the price flow or closes orders depending on the direction. It can also be used as a short-term scalping tool by directly acting on high volatility and manually submitting an order. Perfect for high-impact news events & risk management.
The cTrader Average True Range (ATR) Trailing Stop is an automated trading system that can manage your stop loss for new and existing orders by trailing it behind the price of an instrument based on the ATR indicator which is provided for free. The Average True Range is a popular indicator in the trading environment, ideally used to measure the volatility of an instrument.
The cTrader derivative oscillator is a technical indicator that blends the concept of a double-smoothed relative strength index (RSI) with a moving average convergence-divergence (MACD) histogram to create a more advanced version of the RSI indicator. This is currently the only indicator of this type for cTrader.
The future Currency Strength Indicator monitors G8 currencies (USD, EUR, CAD, CHF, JPY, AUD, NZD and GBP) performance against each other over a period of time. When one currency line crosses with another Telegram alert is generated providing correct details are entered into Bot Token and Chat ID parameters
This cTrader Bollinger Bands %B Indicator is described by John Bollinger on his website and it indicates the position of the closing price relative to Bollinger-Bands plotted at 2 standard deviations on a 20-day average, it is best to use this indicator in a trending or ranging market. Telegram alerts included.
The purpose of the cTrader Forex Heat Map Panel is to provide a graphical presentation of the relative strengths of major currencies relative to others. All the majors are shown and updated dynamically for you, a pop-up panel is displayed which can be dragged anywhere on your monitor.
This dashboard for the cTrader platform shows the volatility of an instrument together with the spread and depth of market all in a nice graphical view.
The cTrader Depth of Market & Volatility Panel is part of the professional trading components collection that gives you a unique view of the Depth of Market and Volatility of a currency. The user interface is clean and simple so you can make decisions at a glance.