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    What is a cTrader cBot Plugin?
    A cTrader plugin is like a cBot but adds additional features to the trading platform user interface with bespoke trading terminals, analysis tools and calculators.
    What is a cTrader cBot
    If you are new to the cTrader platform and want to get up to speed with 'what is a cTrader cBot', continue reading this article and become a cTrader Pro.
    How I Passed the FTMO Challenge
    This is a true story of a trader who passed Phase 2 of the FTMO challenge within 1-year using the cTrader platform.
    cTrader Frequent Disconnection Fix
    Many traders have reported that the cTrader platform sometimes disconnects, we have found that the issue is usually the trader's Internet Service Provider (ISP).
    Hire a cTrader cBot Programmer
    If you are looking for a cTrader coder to build your automated trading robot, indicator or bespoke trading tool then you have come to the right place.
    cTrader Update July 2022, v4.3
    cTrader version 4.3 has just been released on beta and will soon be released to brokers, take a look at some of the new features.
    Upgrade a cTrader cBot to .NET 6 & C# 10
    This article will help you upgrade your old cBots & indicators that were built using cTrader Desktop 4.1
    How to Debug a cTrader cBot
    Learn how to debug your cTrader algorithmic trading robot using Visual Studio 2022 and Microsoft C#.
    cTrader Desktop 4.2 Latest Features
    This latest version of the cTrader Desktop trading platform is a massive leap in technology to make it one of the best financial trading tools today.
    What is a cTrader Raw Spread Account?
    With a Raw Spread Account with your broker, you will enter the trade at the exact market price with no additional markup on the spread, instead, a small commission is payable per side.
    How to Open a Small cTrader Account
    Many brokers that offer the cTrader platform allow traders to open a live micro-account with a small deposit as low as $1, if this is your budget, read on
    Trading Micro Lots with cTrader
    Position sizing is a very important part of trading, this can make or break a trader if it is not understood, traders are risk managers, first and foremost.
    Best Free cTrader cBots
    We have compiled the best cBots for the cTrader platform from our marketplace at
    Best cTrader & MT4 Trade Copying Software
    Find who is the best cTrader & MT4 trade copying software providers, this review shows both the paid and free versions and the pros and cons.
    Spread Indicator to Reduce Your Losses
    Many traders get caught out when they have tight stop losses during times of low volatility or low volume of trading.
    How to Open a cTrader Demo Account
    We will help you find a suitable Forex broker and show you how to apply for a demo account and download the cTrader trading platform.