Find out the key differences between the two trading platforms cTrader and TradingView, we cover areas like manual trading, charting, algorithmic trading, support & community. This review will help traders decide which trading platform would be best to start both manual and automated trading, it is slightly biased towards cTrader, but we tried to be as accurate as possible.
This is a comparison between the two free versions of the trading platforms, TradingView does offer more features for their paid offering on Pro, Pro+ and Premium plans.
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of pricing between the two trading platforms, watch this video.
Symbols & Brokers
Who offers the most trading symbols and reputable brokers, this review will show you the difference between the two platforms.
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of the brokers & symbols, watch this video.
Manual Trading
When it comes to manual trading this comparison will show you which platform performs better with regard to submitting and managing orders.
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of manual trading, watch this video.
3rd Party Tools
When it comes to 3rd party tools for advanced trading applications and indicators, this will show the comparison.
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of the types of 3rd party trading tools offered, watch this video.
Programming Language
Which programming language to use when creating your custom indicators or automated trading systems is very important.
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of the programming language difference, watch this video.
Algorithmic Trading
A comparison of the features of Algorithmic trading using both trading platforms.
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of algorithmic trading using cTrader, watch this video.
Which platform is the best for charting, technical drawing tools for manual trading?
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of how they compare with charting, watch this video.
Copy Trading
Copy Trading enables individuals in the financial markets to automatically copy positions opened and managed by other selected individuals. Find out more about cTrader Copy
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of what is copy-trading, watch this video.
Platform Community
The type of community built around the platform is very important, this comparison will help.
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of which platform offers the best community, watch this video.
Platform Support
This covers the type of support both cTrader & TradingView offer their customers.
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of which platform offers the best support, watch this video.
Customer Reviews
Now we look at real online customer reviews for each platform as of December 2021.
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of which platform has the best customer reviews, watch this video.
Here is our conclusion after looking at all the key areas when it comes to choosing a trading platform.
| cTrader
Video Explainer
For a more detailed explanation of our conclusion, watch this video.