Currently, most of our cTrader cBots and indicators are either sold under license with copyright protection or provided for free download without source code for the user to make any changes or incorporate into another cBot, but we understand that sometimes the code for the indicators that are free should be made available. We can offer the products at a fixed price upon request.
We may be able to provide a quote for the source code of any indicator available on our Marketplace that is currently free to download, to confirm if we can help you with this you will need to contact us.
We do not provide the source code for most of our products that are not free and sold under license, but there are some exceptions, to confirm please contact contact us on the button above.
We also recommend that you try and find a similar indicator with a Google search by typing in the name in the search bar, if you do not find anything with a web search then you can also try to convert an existing MT4 version to be used with cTrader Desktop.
You will post on our sales & offers page the name of the product that you need to purchase with the full source code, we will reply with confirmation if it is possible and the price for the product. If you agree on the price then we will send an invoice for the purchase, once payment is made the product file will be sent to you in an email which will include the full source code.
As this is a digital product that cannot be deactivated as the full source code is provided there will be no refund option and the product is sold as-is with no warranties, you can find the full terms of conditions on our legal page.