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    cTrader AUDUSD Market Data (15 years)

    Non-Refundable (Read Policy)

    This independent historical market data is for the major Forex pair Australian Dollar (AUD) and US Dollar (US), it has been optimised for the cTrader trading platform to provide an extra 7 years of data for backtesting and analysis, the total date range is 2004 - 2019.
    (OS) Type: Windows Compatible
    Current version: 1.0.0
    Updated: Monday, 27 January 2025
    Author: ClickAlgo Team

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    The AUDUSD 1-Minute data file is a collection of historical prices. The file contains the following information. In order: Date, Open, High, Low, Close and limited Volume. The data file is in CSV format and can be opened in Excel and loaded into cTrader.

    What Is a CSV File?


    Limited Volume

    The volume is limited with this data file, if you are backtesting your strategy you will not require the volume.


    Source of the Data

    This data was downloaded from Ducascopy's Free Historical Data Feed.


    How the Data is Converted

    Once we have the data files from Ducacopy's Free Historical Data Feed, it is run through our Market Data Import Tool.


    cTrader Market Data Converter


    How to Import the CSV Data File Into cTrader?

     If you download one of our market data files then you will need to learn how to import the CSV data file into the cTrader platform.


    How to Backtest Using cTrader?

     Once you have managed to import the CSV file, your next step is to backtest using this data.


    Download Sample Data

    You can download some sample data to see the quality, the date range is 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2010 (12 months)


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