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    cTrader Historical Market Data Converter

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    The cTrader historical backtest Forex market data converter will convert a free market data file downloaded from Ducascopy into a format that can be loaded into the cTrader backtest module. Most brokers using cTrader only provide Forex data from 2011, this tool allows you to get data from 2004.
    (OS) Type: Windows Compatible
    Current version: 2.3.0
    Updated: Monday, 27 January 2025

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    This tool is useful for traders with automated trading systems using the cTrader trading platform and need to test their strategy with much more data to capture as many market conditions as possible. 


     cTrader Forex Market Data


    Why Use This Tool?

    If you are an algorithmic trader and you backtest your automated trading robots then the more historical data you have the more you can stress-test your system under different market conditions.


    How to Convert The Data?

    There are just 4 steps to convert the market data files you downloaded using the Ducascopy widget.


    Step 1

    Click on the Ducascopy button which will take you to their website to download an unformatted data file.


    cTrader Load Market Data


    Step 2

    Once you have successfully downloaded the data file from Ducascopy then the next step is to load the file into this application so that it can be converted, to do this click on the Source File button above.


    Step 3

    Once the file has been imported and formatted ready for the conversion, you can select the export folder path. By default, the name of the file to be exported will be the symbol name and current date. You can change the name of the file to anything you want, but do not forget to append the .csv


    cTrader Export Market Data


    Due to the limitations of downloading large files with a web browser using the Ducascopy widget on the data download page, it is best to download for 2 years. worth of data at a time and merging them into one large data file. We have included a checkbox so that you can append data files to the master data file.


    Step 4

    The last step is to simply click on the Convert button, there may be a slight delay of up to a minute while it loads all the data, please be patient and when it is loaded you will see the progress of all the data being converted.


     cTrader Market Data Convert


    Once the conversion starts you will see how many rows in total there are in the CSV file together with how many rows have been converted, you can stop the conversion at any time. once the conversion is complete you can open the published folder by just clicking on the link "Open Publish Folder"


    Sample Exported CSV Data Ready for cTrader

    The image below shows a sample exported CSV file for EURUSD with 1 min data.

    cTrader Sample Market Data Import


    How To Import CSV Data Into cTrader?

    If you have just downloaded the file above and want to run it as a backtest using the cTrader trading platform, click on the link below.


     Watch A Video Demonstration

    The video has been uploaded to 1080p High Quality, so do not forget to set your YouTube video quality to 1080p HD. 


    cTrader Free Market Data


    Any Questions?

    If you have any questions, please first search our product help forum for the answer, and if you cannot find it, post a new question.


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