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    cTrader Crypto Symbols

    If you trade cryptocurrencies and need help finding a cTrader Broker that supports the Crypto symbol that you wish to trade then your first step is to find a broker, it is not the cTrader platform that has all the trading symbols, but the broker you choose. There are many brokers to choose to trade using the cTrader trading platform and the first step is to find one that first has all the symbols you want to trade and then do your own research on this broker to make sure they are somebody you want to do business with.

    cTrader Crypto Currency


    Crypto Symbols Offered By Brokers

    You will find that not all brokers offer the same list of Crypto symbols and you will also find that the actual naming of the symbols may also be different, this list below is ordered with the broker that has the most selection of symbols for crypto trading.


    IC Markets Crypto Currencies

    This broker offers 10 different types of symbols including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Ripple, EOS, Emercoin, Namecoin, PeerCoin and Litecoin.


    FxPro Crypto Currencies

    This broker offers 5 different types of symbols including Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.


    Watch a Video Explainer

    The video has been uploaded to 1080p High Quality, so do not forget to set your U-Tube video quality to 1080p HD. 

    Duration: 6 minutes