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cTrader US Dollar Index SMA

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cTrader US Dollar Index SMA

Download this US Dollar Index indicator for the cTrader trading platform, The US Dollar Index is an average value of rate fluctuations of six major currencies (EUR, CAD, GBP, JPY, CHF, and SEK) against the U.S. dollar. The US Dollar index was invented in 1973 with an initial value of 100. In 1999 it was modified in order to keep track of the euro, which had just been introduced.
(OS) Type: Windows & Mac OS Compatible
Current version: 1.0.0
Updated: Thursday, 8 September 2022

cTrader Indicator
£0.00 Incl. VAT.
cTrader Software

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On January 13, 2006, a new financial instrument Euro Currency Index (symbols ECX, EURX or E) was introduced at NYBOT (New York Board of Trade). The main calculating principles of EURX are similar to principles applied to calculate of US Dollar Index.

After the implementation of Euro Currency Index, the participants of Forex market got a common standard of the current price of the Single European Currency as well as a new financial tool for carrying out trade deals curious in terms of financial analysis. The current value of the Euro Index is a mean value of rate fluctuation of five world currencies (USD, GBP, JPY, CHF and SEK) regarding Euro.

You need a broker that provides the following currency pairs:



It is a weighted geometric mean of the dollar's value relative to following select currencies:


EURUSD US Dollar Index With Simple Moving Averages

This version of the US Dollar Index indicator uses 2 Simple Moving Average indicators which are the fast and slow MA's, you can adjust the periods for these values.


cTrader US Dollar Indicator SMA


Indicator Settings

In the settings window for the indicator, you can show or hide the fast and slow SMA's as well as configure the periods for the indicators.


us dollar index settings ctrader


How To Install

First, make sure you have the cTrader trading platform installed and then simply unzip the file and double-click on it to automatically install onto the platform.


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