The Alarm Manager is a personal trading assistant for your PC or VPS that will carry out any number of automated actions such as managing positions, sending emails, Telegram Bot broadcasts, Voice alerts and pop-up messages together with real-time news impact integration and important information at your finger-tips with configurable Web feeds. Traders can create rule-based alarms which trigger any number of actions. The software can notify the trader about events, and carry out trading actions such as closing existing positions.
cTrader Alarm Manager Dashboard (FREE)
The dashboard should be able to provide you with all the information at a glance to assist your trading, you do not need to start the alarm monitor to view the information. It includes an account overview, trade activity status, and the most important piece of information you will need the Drawdown gauge.

Monetary Win/Loss
Win/Loss ratio is used in calculating the risk/reward ratio. It is not very useful on its own because it does not consider the monetary value won or lost in each trade. For example, a win/loss ratio 2:1 means the trader has twice as many winning trades than losing. Sounds good, but if the losing trades have dollar losses three times as large as the dollar gains of the winning trades, the trader has a losing strategy. The application uses Net Profit/Net Loss in currency to give you an accurate view of what is happening.
Drawdown Gauge
This useful gauge will show the current drawdown of your account, it has a direct relation to how much of your capital you are risking, the higher the drawdown the more you enter the realm of gambling. If your outlook on trading is low risk, then you would be looking at a drawdown of 5% or less.
The maximum value for the gauge can be changed in the settings up to any value up to 100.
Margin Available
This is shown as a % or monetary value by checking the box on the right.
Complete Protection Running it on your Virtual Private Server (VPS)
Why not leave it running 24/7 365 days a year on your Virtual Private Server (VPS) so you are always protected?
Account Alarms (Not Included)
The account alarms tab allows you to configure alerts and notifications when certain account events occur. Some of the alerts are listed below and are self-explanatory. Each event can be turned on or off, you can configure the parameters for the event and what action to take.

- (Do Nothing)
- A pop-up message displays a pop-up box to the screen with the alert, you will need to close the message when you have read it.
- Email message, this will send you an email that you configured in the settings tab with details of the account event.
- SMS message, this will send you an INSTANT SMS message to the number you configured in the settings tab. You get 5 free SMS messages with the trial version.
- Telegram Bot, this will send you a FREE Instant message to your telegram bot.
- Voice alert, a voice in English will be heard telling you of the account event that has just occurred.
- Close Position, Closes a single position when for example it is 20 pips in profit.
- Close all positions, this will close all open positions when an event occurs
- Close winning positions, this will close only winning positions
- Close losing positions will close only losing positions.
How To Install & Remove
First, make sure you have the cTrader trading platform installed and then unzip the file and double-click on it to automatically install it onto the platform.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions, please first search our product help forum for the answer, and if you cannot find it, post a new question.
Need a Broker
If you are still looking for a broker you can trust, take a look at our best cTrader broker site.
Need Coding Help?
If you need help creating your very own customised automated trading system, contact our development team for a quote.