A Swing High & Swing Low (SHSL) is when the price action forms multiple candlesticks that are grouped together and considered to be part of one move in a certain direction. The Swing High, Swing Low movement is usually referred to as a move, a ‘leg’ or simply a swing. We call this a swing because it is one piece of price action in a certain direction that is always followed by a swing in the opposite direction.
A trader that identifies where the last Swing High or Swing Low occurred for a given symbol will have also identified strong support and resistance levels or where the price last reversed, why is this important? Well if you know highest high that the price reached before it reversed you will know that there was a lot of bears at that level that beat the bull. The image below shows what happens with a Swing high, so so you fully understand.
- Highest High = Two bars to the left and two bars to the right are lower than the Highest High.
- Lowest Low = two bars to the left and two bars to the right are higher than the Lowest Low.
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The cTrader One-Click Trading Terminal software allows you to trade like a professional with the option to dynamically set the stop loss and take profit to the last price swing high and low with the added option to set up Stealth orders.
Find out More About How to Swing Trade Using the One-Click Trading Terminal
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