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    cTrader Telegram Chart Signals

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    The cTrader Chart & Trade Sharing Tool will capture and send a picture of the chart when a trade opens or closes and send this information instantly using the Telegram messenger service, email or a screen pop-up. This is a useful tool if you have a Telegram trading group and you wish to share your trades, you can also share your trade setups with a chart manually.
    (OS) Type: Windows Compatible
    Current version: 1.2.0
    Updated: Sunday, 12 January 2025

    cTrader cBot

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    Why would you want to be sent a picture showing your chart setup when a position opens or closes?

    It is a no-brainer that being able to visually see your chart with your indicators and the candle price action within a few seconds of the trade opening or closing on your mobile phone away from your desktop, office or home is invaluable. By seeing the information on your mobile you can make a calculation judgement if the position should be closed or left to run. This tool will pay for itself many times over.


    ctrader forex telegram group

    If you need help using this tool just visit the product support page.


    cTrader Automated Forex Telegram Picture Messages


    Capture Multiple Charts at The Same Time

    You can run multiple copies of the tool to capture one or more chart pictures so that as soon as a position opens or closes for the symbols the picture is sent to Telegram.


    cTrader Capture Multiple Charts telegram


    A Picture Paints a 1000 Words

    This is so true when used with trading the markets, it is ok to look at numbers, but a visual view of the data is so much faster and your brain can process information at a much quicker rate, this is why sending a picture together with information about a new trade opening is so powerful and will help you reduce your potential losses.


    Example Telegram Message Received Automatically

     cTrader Automated Chart (Picture) Telegram Message


    You Can Also Send Instant Messages

    You also have the option to send instant messages without the picture by typing your message and clicking on the "Send Message" button.

    instant forex telegram message


    Manual Chart-Shots

    This program also allows the user to manually send chart shots with a single click of a button complete with a custom message.


    Send Timed Chart Shots

    This tool also has a feature to send pictures of your chart setup showing all trading activity at defined time intervals in minutes, this would be very useful to manage your trading by quickly looking at the chars on your mobile phones when you do not have cTrader open.


    cTrader Telegram Timed Chart Shots


    Limitations When Using a Virtual Private Server (VPS)

    If you plan to use a VPS to send your picture alerts to the telegram, then it will not work if you log off from the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC), for it to work you will need to keep the RDC open, you can make the window trim, but not to minimize it completely. It is recommended that you run this cBot from your PC instead and leave it switched on.


    Telegram Alerts

    When a signal occurs, the indicator will send a Telegram alert directly to your PC or mobile device, this is much faster than email as it is a push notification.


    Video Demonstration

    The video has been uploaded to 1080p High Quality, so do not forget to set your YouTube video quality to 1080p HD. 

    Duration: 10-minutes


    cTrader Telegram Charts Video


    Additional Videos

    Watch this video for an explanation of how to use the time chart feature.


    How To Install & Remove

    First, make sure you have the cTrader trading platform installed and then unzip the file and double-click on it to automatically install it onto the platform.


    Any Questions?

    If you have any questions or if there are any bugs, please first search our product help forum for the answer, if you cannot find it, post a new question.


    Need a Broker

    If you are still looking for a broker you can trust, take a look at our best cTrader broker site.