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    cTrader Telegram, Email & SMS Test

    Limited Support

    This tool has been developed to help customers who use the cTrader trading platform test their Email, Telegram bot and SMS settings to make sure they are working correctly for trade alerts sent by the platform or a custom indicator, automated trading system or Add-On application.
    (OS) Type: Windows & Mac OS Compatible
    Current version: 2.1.0
    Updated: Tuesday, 23 April 2024

    cTrader cBot

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    This tool has been developed to help customers who use the cTrader trading platform test their email, telegram and SMS settings to make sure they are working correctly for trade alerts sent by the platform, a custom indicator, automated trading system or an Add-On application. Many of the core of our product messaging features use these three types of instant alerts, so we mainly created them for our own customers to make their life easier.


    cTrader telegram, email, sms testing tool


    How to Test Your Email Settings

    The first step that you need to do is make sure that you have configured your email with the cTrader platform as it is the platform that will be sending you alerts, currently, the platform will send you the following email alerts.


     cTrader email alert options


    How to Test Your Email Settings Using this Tool?

    You simply enter the email address that you would like the test message to be sent and click on the button.


    Known Issue With Google Accounts

    If you have set up your email credentials correctly with the cTrader platform and the emails are failing to be sent with your automated trading system, indicator or trading software then there is a high chance that your email provider is blocking the cTrader application, this blog will help you unblock a GMAIL account.


    How to Get Your Chat ID

    Most of our cTrader trading tools use the Telegram service to send trade signals and the 2 key values required are the bot token and the Chat ID, this tool can also be used by anybody who needs the Chat ID to send messages to their Telegram bots.


    What is The Instant Telegram Messaging Service?

    • Pure instant FREE messaging - simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. Over 100 million active users in two and a half years.
    • FAST: Telegram is the fastest messaging app on the market, connecting people via a unique, distributed network of data centres around the globe.


    How to Test Your Telegram Settings Using this Tool?

     The first step is to create a telegram account, once this is done you will have your Bot Token, to get your ChatID is a little bit more complicated, but we have published a blog article and video tutorial to help you.


    Download Telegram from Google Play

    You can download the app for your mobile phone for free at the Google Play store.


    How to Setup Your Instant SMS Settings

    The cTrader platform does not use SMS messages for instant alerts, but many of our products use this service from automated trading systems to indicators, the first step is to sign-up with the MessageBird service to get your credentials to send SMS alerts. this is the cheapest method for you to send and receive SMS messages through your trading cBots or indicators.



    This is the fastest method to get an instant alert using your mobile phone in the form of an SMS message. 

    "We also cut out the middleman and offer Low-Cost SMS Messages Directly From The Supplier"



    Watch a Video Introduction

    The video has been uploaded to 1080p High Quality, so do not forget to set your U-Tube video quality to 1080p HD. 

    Duration: 8 minutes


    cTrader Telegram Credentials


    How To Install & Remove

    First, make sure you have the cTrader trading platform installed and then unzip the file and double-click on it to automatically install it onto the platform.


    Any Questions?

    If you have any questions, please first search our product help forum for the answer, and if you cannot find it, post a new question.


    Need a Broker

    If you are still looking for a broker you can trust, take a look at our best cTrader broker site.