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    cTrader Future Currency Strength

    14-Day Refund Option (Read Policy)

    The future Currency Strength Indicator monitors G8 currencies (USD, EUR, CAD, CHF, JPY, AUD, NZD and GBP) performance against each other over a period of time. When one currency line crosses with another Telegram alert is generated providing correct details are entered into Bot Token and Chat ID parameters
    (OS) Type: Windows Compatible
    Current version: 1.0
    Updated: Monday, 12 December 2022

    cTrader Indicator

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    The lines will reflect the relative performance of G8 currencies against each other over the period of time configured in the parameters section. The top right section of the indicator also displays a dynamic table with the top-down reflection of the currency curves. 


    cTrader Future Currency Strength


    Indicator Settings

    When you attach the indicator to a chart you will see options to adjust the settings as shown in the window below.


    Strength settings


    Periods Backwards

    Indicates how far back values will be calculated, for instance on the 1H chart 200 parameter value means that the change displayed on the chart will reflect currency movement in the last 200 hours. 


    Update Interval in Seconds

    Indicates the frequency of the new values updates in seconds. The lesser value the more smooth the future currency curve will be displayed. This parameter also reflects how often potential new Telegram alerts will be generated.


    Bot Token & Chat ID

    These parameters are used for Telegram alert generation. See more details on how to create your own Telegram bot.


    Past Bars Included

    Yes - parameter value indicates that values from the past will be calculated.

    No – only real-time values will be generated from the time when the indicator was loaded. 


    Option to Select or Deselect Currencies

    Users can narrow down to particular currencies of interest at the time as displayed in the screenshot above by selecting output in the indicator parameters.


    Depending on your internet connection speed and brokers' data feed it may take a couple of seconds to display the first values.  


    User Guide & Troubleshooting

    When you download the indicator you will also receive the user guide in PDF format to help you.


    How to Configure Telegram Alerts?

    To receive telegram alerts you need to create a Telegram Bot and get your token and Chat ID, you can find full details below.


    How To Install & Remove

    First, make sure you have the cTrader trading platform installed and then simply unzip the file and double-click on it to automatically install it onto the platform.


    Any Questions?

    If you have any questions, please first search our product help forum for the answer, if you cannot find it, post a new question.


    Join Telegram Community

    You can join a Telegram community and chat with other traders to discuss, share and ask for help.